Here, I hope to add things that might be of interest to other people.
Roots of Covid-19 Disinformation
Almost from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, there’s been a frightening amount of disinformation about the disease and the vaccines. Although most rational people have a basic understanding of why this has been the case, recent discussions have reminded me that some people still believe the lies. So, I felt like it might be worth a shot to give my take on it, along with some fundamental facts to hopefully help clarify what’s going on.
Lessons from a democracy in peril
I’ve been encouraged by some recent discussions to write an analysis of what’s going on in the USA, and what we can learn from it. Of course, much has already been said about Donald Trump and how he has brought the great American experiment to the brink of collapse. So this is probably not going to be the definitive story about it, but it will be my take, with the essential background I think matters to truly understanding what’s going on.
Religious acceptance of fascism
It’s always been curious to me that many followers of religions (like Christianity) who supposedly profess love, compassion, and various kinds of nonviolent morality, still also often support completely different agendas, up to and including fascism. We see this in some Western countries even today, so it’s surprisingly common. How could that be?
Vi må tørre å tenke nytt
Varmerekorder slås igjen og igjen, hetebølger, skogbranner, og flommer skjer stadig oftere. Vi har sett det i år, i fjor, og i mange år før det. Kloden blir stadig varmere, stadig raskere. Hele økosystemer er allerede ødelagt. Verden står foran en eksistensiell krise. Intet menneske vil være uberørt. Så uansett hvor mye jeg skulle ønske jeg fortsatt bare kunne sitte på mitt hjemmekontor og gjøre mine ting, må nok også jeg akseptere min del av ansvaret for å beholde en levende jord.
Grunner til å stemme MDG
Ingen politiske partier er perfekt, og det finnes ikke noe parti jeg er 100% enig i. De har alle sin form for ønsketenkning, så spørsmålet om hva man skal stemme på, koker dessverre ofte ned til “hvilken av disse ønsketenkningene er minst skadelig for Norges (eller verdens) fremtid”. Men om jeg i dag skulle anbefalt noe norsk politisk parti, måtte det bli Miljøpartiet De Grønne (MDG).
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