
The world we’re living in, has become full of disinformation. Fake news, spin, misrepresentations, conspiracy theories, and so on. We’ve become inhabitants in a world filled with our own bullshit. And in many ways, it’s killing us. Making us suffocate. So, maybe it’s time to take a closer look at where all this bullshit comes from.

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A particularly important application of the principle of balance, is the balance between what’s known as masculine and feminine forces. Every healthy individual necessarily has a mix of both, although it’s typically (but not always) the case that masculine forces are stronger in men, and feminine forces are stronger in women. Still, both are important, and they complement each other in interesting ways. If either force is missing or suppressed, then an unhealthy individual, or even an unhealthy civilization, may result.

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Rationality. Political correctness. The Devil. What might such things have in common? They can all be defined (although definitions may vary widely), described, reasoned about, and in some cases, can even meaningfully explain things. But, as far as I can tell, none of them actually exist. They are all projections, mental defenses that we humans use to protect our own fragile egos. To truly understand the world, and maybe survive the years to come, we must understand such illusions, and where they come from.

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In an interview a while back, they chose a headline saying that I was looking for the meaning of life. But I don’t think I ever said that. I wouldn’t have, because I believe I already discovered the meaning of life a long time ago. But there are (at least) two problems with it. The first is, of course, that it’s not really the “Ultimate Question”.

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